


  • 主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克,John,Lund,Jane,Cowl  
  • 導演:米切爾·萊森  
  • 分類: 劇情片
  • 地區:美國
  • 年份:1950
  • 更新:2024-02-23
  • 簡介:  Helen Ferguson, pregnant, penniless and dumped by her boyfriend Steve Morley, takes the identity of the pregnant Patrice Harkness, when she and her husband are killed in a train crash. The rich Harkness in-laws, and their other son Bill, had never seen Patrice, so they accept her and her newborn son into their family. However Steve eventually finds her and starts to blackmail h...


  • 劇情介紹
  Helen Ferguson, pregnant, penniless and dumped by her boyfriend Steve Morley, takes the identity of the pregnant Patrice Harkness, when she and her husband are killed in a train crash. The rich Harkness in-laws, and their other son Bill, had never seen Patrice, so they accept her and her newborn son into their family. However Steve eventually finds her and starts to blackmail h...永固影視網收集自其他網站發布。)


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