


  • 主演:粟島墨子,齋藤達雄,坂本武,佐野周二  
  • 導演:小津安二郎  
  • 分類: 喜劇片
  • 地區:日本
  • 年份:1937
  • 更新:2024-02-23
  • 簡介:An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wife packs him off anyway. So he leaves his bag at the apartment of his student Okada, and goes to a bar with a friend. Setsuko traces him there, and insists that he take her to a geisha house. When she gets rather tipsy, the professor calls Okada to take her home, while he sleeps at Okada's. The wife becomes suspicious of Setsuko when she sees Okada bringing her home, and also of her husband when she discovers that he did not go golfing.


  • 劇情介紹
An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wife packs him off anyway. So he leaves his bag at the apartment of his student Okada, and goes to a bar with a friend. Setsuko traces him there, and insists that he take her to a geisha house. When she gets rather tipsy, the professor calls Okada to take her home, while he sleeps at Okada's. The wife becomes suspicious of Setsuko when she sees Okada bringing her home, and also of her husband when she discovers that he did not go golfing.永固影視網收集自其他網站發布。)


  • 正片修補生活喬什·盧卡斯,Stephen,Plunkett,Lucy,Owen
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  • 正片新河東獅吼 粵語陳浩民,胡然,蔡潔,何浩文,云千千,陳百祥,苑瓊丹,羅家英,林子聰,林子善,孫蛟龍,解斯童,湯加文,韓昕怡,王寶葆,王嘉儒,黃英
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  • 超清烏龍元首克里斯·洛克,伯尼·麥克,迪倫·貝克
  • 正片銀河大排檔麻家銘,柯達,苑喬,徐少強,郭佳伊

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